
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Natural quit smoking help

The pressure on most smokers is applied using the medically prescribed drug or nicotine replacement, to quit smoking. But if you check that the side effects can quite alarming. Plus, if you do some research, you find that this drug have quite a low success rate based methods.

This means that your risk reward ratio quite high is. natural methods with smoking Quit will offer you the help you need, without the risks.

Of all the methods the most successful are natural quit smoking techniques from a combination of hypnosis and neuro lingusitic Programming.Dies is not just the view of the hypnosis profession research has shown that hypnosis is a 66% success rate.

When combined with neuro linguistic programming and emotional freedom technique, plus increases the success to 95%.


This technique you simply results in a very relaxed state where your subconscious mind is open for new ideas to get.How such as smoking is not your friend, smoking not calm, you smoke, you don't need to smoke to be relaxed.

There are many proposals that can be made and these should relate specifically to the needs of customers.

Neuro linguistic programming.:

NLP use certain language for creating anchor in your Nervensystem.Ein example would be have to smoke a positive anchor with your friends smoking can NLP would eliminate that anchor and install a new anchor that would allow those same people, but without the need to smoke to socialize.

Emotional freedom technique:

EFT helps to break your current beliefs about smoking and treats all fears that would have to quit.

This combination is a highly successful natural quit smoking help system.

View the original article here

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